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Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

Walkthrough : Silent Hill (Orphan) (Part 2)

Skenario kedua oleh karakter Moon.

-Please dad!!
-I'm sorry Moon but we don't know how to deal with all this. It has gone too far...
-...we're sorry my child...
-I... I won't do it again...please, I promise! Stop the car...
-We're already here. These people will take care of you.
-When will I see you again? Will you visit me?
-Goodbye Moon...

Moon: Oh my God... Nothing has changed in this place. This was the first thing I saw 30 years ago. I've dreamt of this place so many times... Why...? I could really use a map for moving around in this place.

Keluar menuju hallway melalui pintu sebelah kanan.

Voice: Someone already took the stuff you need, go look him up.

Jalan terus menuju ruang shower (ruang di mana skenario Ben berakhir).
Masuk ke dalam ruang shower.

Moon: What the...
Voice: Moon... Meet Ben...
Moon: Who's there?! Did you do this?!
Voice: You need to open those wrists Moon. Do it for me once more...
Moon: But... How did you know...?
Voice: I left something for you in the cabinet in my world. It should do the trick...
Moon: Who are you?!

Ambil semua item dari tas milik Ben. Keluar dari ruangan, pergi menuju toilet di mana ada portal menuju dunia ilusi.
Sebelum menuju dunia ilusi, jika merasa kekurangan peluru, ambil peluru di ruang di mana Ben mengambil korek. Kemudian kembali menuju toliet.

My arms are bleeding... They left me at this orphanage... because I've tried killing myself ever since I was three years old... I guess they got tired of it...

Setelah sampai di dunia ilusi, pergi menuju ruang makan.
Bunuh monster yang ada di ruangan tersebut.

Moon: Someone wrote: "It's all her fault!" in blood. What is who's fault?

Cek sesuatu yang menempel di dinding sebelah kiri.
Sesuatu seperti monster.

Moon: It looks like there's a key in her mouth.

Setelah mengambil kunci tersebut, kembali ke dunia nyata.

I want to die. Dad... look... I'm bleeding... Why the sad face?

Dan pergi ke ruang makan di mana Ben menemukan lilin pada awal skenario.
Di sebelah kiri bawah terdapat lemari yang terkunci. Buka lemari tersebut dengan kunci.

Moon: A pair of scissors?
Voice: There you go Moon... Now go finish what you started...
Moon: What is this place?

Keluar dari ruangan tersebut, lurus, mainkan kembali jam tersebut karena jam tersebut kembali ke tempat asal.
Tekan angka 5, 2, 6, 12, dan 9. Kemudian pergi ke lantai 2.

Di lantai 2, pergi ke ruangan di mana Ben mengambil korek.
Di sebelah kiri bawah terdapat sepatu merah. Gunting sepatu tersebut.

Moon: * examines bunk-beds * I don't remember who slept in here. This is where three children died that night.
Moon: * examines shoes * The shoelaces are tied together. I remember this prank of tying shoelaces together. Sometimes knots were so complicated we had to cut them apart so to put our shoes on. * uses scissors on shoes *
Voice: I got something for you in my world.

Pergi ke dunia ilusi, pergi ke kamar yang letaknya sama di mana sepatu merah itu berada.

Moon: * examines bunk-beds * It looks like someone has been lying here. * receives classroom key *

Ambil kunci ruangan kelas dari sana.

Kembali ke dunia nyata. Kemudian pergi menuju ruang terakhir yang berada di lantai 2.
Dari toilet mundur, belok kanan, lurus, ada 2 pintu di sebelah kiri dan depan.

Masuk ke kamar sebelah kiri. Periksa kasur di sebelah kanan, ada kertas berwarna putih.

Moon: * examines bunk-beds * There is something under the bed. * receives homework *

Ambil kertas tersebut. Keluar dari ruangan tersebut dan lanjutkan menuju ruang terakhir di lantai 2. Buka pintu ruangan tersebut dengan kunci ruangan kelas.

Di atas meja di sebelah kanan terdapat kapur, ambil kapur tersebut.
Periksa papan tulis dengan kapur. Di sana terdapat kalimat dengan satu bagian yang kosong.

Samakan dengan kertas putih yang didapat sebelumnya.

Moon: It says: Et resedit qui erat mortuus et coepit loqui et dedit illum matri suae.

Jika disamakan, maka bagian kata yang kosong tersebut adalah dedit. Tekan huruf d, e, d, i, t secara urut yang terdapat di bawah kelimat yang ada di papan tulis.

Moon: That should be about right...
Voice: Moon, I have a message for you in my world.

Kembali ke dunia ilusi.

Why do you look so sad Moon...? You wanted to die... Don't you want to die anymore...? I think you should...

Pergi menuju ruangan yang sama seperti di dunia nyata. Sebelum sampai di ruangan tersebut, ada monster yang harus dibunuh. Kemudian lanjutkan ke ruangan terakhir di lantai 2 tersebut.

Masuk ke ruangan tersebut. Di bawah meja terdapat catatan, ambil catatan tersebut. Dan baca.

Moon: I'm sorry about everything I did. I know it's my fault entirely. It has been tormenting me since I was a small child and I tried to put things right all those times. Finally you grew tired of me, but how could you understand how I felt? Through the years I forgot what I had to do but now its all clear again. This time I'll do it right and do what has to be done. I will leave this life and everything will be good again. I know it's best for everyone and that is what you all truly want deep inside. To who ever finds this note - my life will end in the boys' washroom. Good bye mom. Good bye dad.
Moon: What?! I never wrote this!

Setelah membaca catatan tersebut, kembali ke toilet.

-Hello there Moon...
-Who... Who are you?
-My name is Alessa...
-Don't come any closer!
-Do not fear me Moon. You need to feel this...
-No!! Get away from me! Get awa...

Part 2 selesai..!!
Part 3, besok~

- Rei(ko) -

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