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Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

Walkthrough : Silent Hill (Orphan) (Part 3)

Skenario ketiga oleh Karen.

I'm Karen. I don't know how I got here... but I seem to be locked up... in the orphanage I lived in thirty years ago...

Dimulai dari ruang gudang. Tak ada yang bisa dilakukan kecuali mencari sesuatu yang berguna.

Karen: * examines cupboard * The door of the cupboard is broken and left hanging on one hinge. There is a screwdriver in there.

Cek lemari di sebelah kanan bawah. Ambil obeng.
Kemudian periksa sebuah karung di lantai.

Karen : * examines sacks * Empty potato sacks, and they actually look rather comfortable.
Karen: * uses sacks * Yes, maybe I should rest on these a while.

...are you really my sister? ...but mum said you were dead. I never knew...

Karen: Uh... I... Did I just hear a sound from the door behind me?

Keluar dari ruangan tersebut. Kemudian, masuk ke ruangan di mana Ben berada, di ruang shower.

Karen: * examines Ben * Who... Who's this...?

Keluar dari ruangan tersebut. Pergi ke toilet di mana terdapat portal menuju dunia ilusi.

-I'm proud of you dear sister.
-Who is...? But I thought it was a dream! Alessa?
-Yes dear sister, it's me.
-Why... why are you proud of me?
-Because what you did for me of course.
-Did...what did I...I don't understand!
-You don't remember? Well, you will remember soon enough.
-Remember what?
-What is it that I will remember?

Karen: * examines bag * There's a bag in the middle of all blood. There are a few items I could borrow.

Ambil semua item dari tas milik Moon.

Karen: * examines toilet * It's the only booth standing. It's open and I can see a lot of blood inside. There is a crescent shaped stone tablet lying on the toilet seat.

Pada toilet sebelah kiri ambil stone tablet.
Jika merasa kekurangan peluru, kembali ke dunia nyata dan ambil peluru di ruangan yang biasanya.

Sekarang kembali di dunia ilusi, pergi ke lobby. Persiapkan diri karena ada monster di ruang kantor. Bunuh monster tersebut.
Ambil stone tablet kedua yang tertanam di dinding di sebelah tulisan berdarah yang pernah dicatat Ben dengan obeng.

Keluar dari ruangan tersebut. Kemudian pergi ke ruang dapur, jika tata letak sama dengan dunia nyata, maka ruang dapur di dunia nyata adalah ruang yang digunakan Ben untuk membakar lilin.
Bedanya adalah, pintu ruang dapur di dunia ilusi terdapat 2 lubang.

Pasang kedua stone tablet pada pintu tersebut. Masuk ke dalam ruangan tersebut. Tidak ada monster di dalam ruangan tersebut.

Karen: * examines tree * A frightening tree with fruits that...wear faces of children!

Ada meja sebelah kanan di sebelah kursi terdapat kertas gambar berwarna putih. Ambil kertas tersebut.
Keluar dari ruangan tersebut.

Alessa: Do you remember when you were a child and we used to talk about running away from all that's bad? ...that we would find the good place.
Karen: I'm sorry but I don't remember much of my childhood at all.
Alessa: That's ok. You will remember. When you gave me that promise I knew we would make it all come true ... together.
Karen: What promise? I...
Alessa: I found the good place Karen. I found it.
Karen: The good place? What are you talking about? Alessa? ...

Pergi menuju ruang terakhir di lantai 2, masih tetap di dunia ilusi. Di sana terdapat 2 pinru di sebelah kanan dan kiri.
Ingat, pintu di sebelah kiri sudah pernah dibuka oleh Moon. Maka, pilih pintu di sebelah kanan.

Di sebelah kiri pintu tersebut, terdapat kunci.
Jika diingat kembali, ada sebuah gambar yang didapat sebelumnya. Lihat gambar tersebut.

Samakan dengan kunci pintu tersebut.

Bulatan sebelah kiri ditekan hingga berwarna hijau, sedangkan sebelah kanan berwarna merah.
Dan posisi orang" dari sebelah kiri : Orang normal, orang yang tinggi, orang terbalik, dan orang kerdil.

Setelah pintu terbuka, masuk ke ruangan tersebut.
Ingat..!! Kembali ke ruangan kamar di dunia nyata jika kekurangan peluru.

Alessa: You are finally here, sister. Do you remember now? Do you remember how you killed all those seeds of evil for me? For us! Just like you promised we cleaned this place of the bad things, together.
Karen: What? I didn't kill... I... I didn't... I... I did all those horrible things... No!
Alessa: You did good sister. But why aren't you happy?
Karen: I finally remember what happened that night. It was me. I killed them all. How could I do such a thing?
Alessa: You did what had to be done! You helped me find us the good place, just as you promised.
Karen: No! I never wanted to kill anyone. It's you! It was you back then, making me do all those horrible things. I never wanted this!
Alessa: So you are turning against me now? I see. You are evil as well and can't be allowed to be in the good place.
Karen: Alessa, what... What are you doing?
Karen: My God, no...
Karen: No!

Bunuh monster tersebut.
Butuh sekitar 7-8 peluru untuk membunuhnya.

Karen... What good did that do? Please meet me at you know where... Moon would like to have a word with you.

To be continued..

Yeaa..part 3 selesai juga.
Berarti walkthrough Silent Hill (Orphan) sudah selesai..!!

Untuk Silent Hill Mobile 2, tunggu nanti, ya. =D

- Rei(ko) -

1 komentar:

boy mengatakan...

kren neh,ad silent hill 3 g? Game mobile

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