Hari ini saya mau bahas walkthrough Silent Hill.
Secara umum (yang dikenal dan dimainin banyak orang), ada 3 game dari Silent Hill :
- Silent Hill: Mobile (Orphan)
- Silent Hill: Mobile 2
- Silent Hill: Mobile 3
Contohnya kayak Silent Hill 4: The Room, Silent Hill: The Escape, dan beberapa game Silent Hill yang dimainin di PC.
Nah, kali ini saya mau bahas walkthrough Silent Hill Mobile (Orphan).
Di blog saya yang dulu (Life in the World of Dream), saya udah pernah bahas walkthrough Silent Hill Mobile 2. Tapi ada kemungkinan bakal saya bahas lagi di blog ini.
Kalau gitu, kita mulai saja, ya..?
Kenapa saya kasih gambar yang ini..?
Karena kalo saya kasih gambar opening gamenya ntar pada ngeri semua. D=
My Name is Ben. I don't belong here. It was thirty years ago they all died... I was spared... But then why did I feel an urge to come back to this place? I want to understand... Please, make me understand... Is there something wrong with me?
Dimulai dari karakter Ben di lobby, diamkan diri beberapa saat hingga gambar di atas tanaman mati bergeser jatuh. Ambil map dari gambar tersebut.
Kemudian, buka pintu yang ada di depan persis. Di sebelah kanan ada file cabinet, buka dan ambil compas.
Peta lantai 1
Keluar dari ruangan dan kembali ke ruangan semula (ruangan yang pertama), masuk ke orphanage hallway melalui pintu di sebelah kanan, belok kiri.
Voice: You left it in the bottom drawer. Don't you remember, Ben?
Ben: What? Is someone there?
Masuk ke ruang makan, cari sebuah lilin yang terlihat mencolok (berwarna putih terang) yang terdapat di antara gambar dan jendela.
Ben: Weird shape this candle has... There seems to be something stuck inside...
Keluar dari ruang makan, lurus, ada jam besar. Mainkan jam tersebut. Tekan angka 5, 6, 2, 12, 9.
Ben: There! Strange though... I don't remember a clock standing here and little less a passage through it.
Voice: Stop living Ben.
Ben: What? That voice again... It's only in my head!
Voice: Why don't you go weeping in the shower room like you did that night?
Ben: But...? What...? Who...?
Voice: You look pale Ben.
Lurus, belok kiri, lurus, belok kiri, lurus, ada 2 jalan, kanan dan kiri. Pilih sebelah kanan (naik ke atas).
Lurus, lurus, belok kanan, lurus, ada pintu, buka pintu tersebut.
Voice: Help!
Ben: What? Who is it!?
Voice: H... Hey! Is someone there!?
Ben: Yes. I'm Ben! Who are you?!
Voice: My name is Karen! I've been shouting for hours! I'm locked up in some sort of strange storage room!
Ben: Oh I get it! So we can talk through the ventilation system?!
Karen: Yeah, I guess! Why are you here?!
Ben: I used to live here 30 years ago! I don't know why I have returned to the orphana... Wait! Did you say your name was Karen?!
Karen: Yes?!
Ben: I think I remember you! You were that quiet girl! You got away that night, when everyone was killed?!
Karen: Who got killed?!
Ben: What?! 30 years ago in this orphanage, all of the children except three were killed in their beds!
Karen: Really?! I... I can't remember...
Ben: Listen! I'll try and get to you! Hold on!
Karen: Please Hurry Ben! It's so dark in here!
Buka pintu toilet sebelah kiri, ambil tongs.
Ben: I don't need to right now. But Wait! There's something inside the toilet...
This might help me pick up dirty or hot objects in this hellish place.
Keluar dari toilet, belok kanan, buka pintu yang ada di sebelah kiri, buka satu per satu laci dan ambil bullets, first aid kits, dan lighter.
Keluar ruangan, kembali (mundur) 7 kali, kembali di mana ada 2 pintu yang berseberangan.
Dan pintu ini ada di lantai 1 (sudah pernah dilewati).
Masuk ke ruangan di sebelah kiri. Buka pintu oven dan nyalakan api dengan korek. Masukkan lilin ke dalam panci.
Ben: * opens oven * Uh... There!
Ben: * uses lighter * There... It caught fire.
Ben: * puts candle in pot * Let's see if I can make this dinner any worse...
Ben: * closes oven * Uh... There!
Ben: * uses tongs in the pot * It's a small key...
Kembali ke toilet sebelumnya (tempat di mana Ben berbicara dengan Karen).
Di sana ada bilik yang terkunci, buka gemboknya dengan kunci kecil. Buka pintu tersebut.
Voice: You don't belong here Ben... You should be dead...
Ben: That voice again... In my head... Or... No... I can't... stand... straight...
My name is Ben. I have a secret. I don't belong here. Where am I? I'm in the orphanage. I'm not alone anymore... Save me...
Ben: Whoa, what just happened, and where am I? This looks like the wash room I just entered. It seems as if the red sign can be used as a portal.
Keluar dari kamar mandi, belok kanan, lurus, lurus, dan masuk ke kamar yang ada di depan.
Gunakan lighter untuk penerangan, dan bunuh monster pertama. Ambil crank.
Karena tata letak ruangan antara dunia nyata dengan dunia ilusi sama, kembali ke tempat di mana game ini dimulai. Ya, di lobby.
Tapi sebelum sampai lobby, ada monster yang harus dilawan.
Kemudian, ketika sampai ke lobby, gunakan crank dan pasang di lubang. Kemudian, putar crank tersebut. Masuk ke ruang kantor.
Di dinding terdapat tulisan berdarah, klik tulisan tersebut.
Dan tulisan tersebut akan tercatat secara otomatis.
"This is a story about a toboggan run
We're going down the hill, oh so much fun
Always twisting to the left
Always turning to the right
A long way to go before we are done
Six times we turn, still we are going
Two times we twist, never are we slowing
We must go even faster I insist
Oh my, what fun we are having
The thrill from speed, it feels like we're
Faster each minute by speed we're possessed.
Quickly One turn that we almost missed
But what is this, I'm filled with fear
Memories of evil acts I once committed
Never to a single soul my crimes had I confessed
The thrill is gone and now I can see
The end is coming for both you and me
Once more Two times we twist, maybe we can be saved
Still one more twist, no it's too late
In the end we must pay and death is the fee."
Kembali ke toilet (menuju portal ke dunia asli).
Kemudian, kembali ke ruang kantor (ruang di mana terdapat compas).
Ambil gambar yang terdapat di atas kursi kerja. Di belakang gambar tersebut terdapat safe box. Mainkan safe box tersebut.
Jika diperhatikan, melalui catatan di atas, akan terlihat kode seperti ini.
"Always twisting to the left
Always turning to the right"
Twist berarti ke kiri, turn berarti ke kanan.
"Six times we turn, still we are going"
Enam kali ke kanan. Berarti angka 6.
"Two times we twist, never are we slowing"
Dua kali ke kiri. Angka 4.
"Quickly One turn that we almost missed"
Satu kali ke kanan. Angka 5.
"Once more Two times we twist, maybe we can be saved
Still one more twist, no it's too late"
Berarti dua kali ke kiri. Angka 3.
Abaikan kalimat terakhir di atas, karena ada tulisan "no it's too late" berarti mereka udah telat buat melakukan twist sekali lagi.
Kemudian, tekan 4 angka tersebut.
Setelah terbuka, buka kotak tersebut (dengan handle yang ada di sebelah kiri).
Baca surat tersebut.
Ben: It says: 'Hello there nurse Elisa. You have a young boy named Ben at your orphanage. Ben has been examined at the hospital a couple of weeks before as you know and we are sorry to say that he has been diagnosed with a serious form of cancer. Please give this information tohim gently as he is a very sweet little boy. If there is anyone he wishes to talk to please bring him here. -Dr. Graham Nolan'
Voice: See you in the shower room Ben...
Kemudian, pergi menuju ruang shower, cari di mana ada 2 jalan menuju ke atas dan ke bawah.
Pilih jalan ke sebelah kiri yang berarti menuju ke bawah.
Ben: Karen! Karen! Are you down here?!
Karen: Ben...? I can hear your voice loud and clear. I'm right through this door.
Ben: Hmm... It sounds like your voice is coming from the door to the right.
Karen: Please hurry Ben...
Terdapat 2 pintu di sana.
Pilih pintu sebelah kiri, karena pintu sebelah kanan tidak akan terbuka.
I don't...feel so good... I must sit down... I remember now... 30 years ago I went down here... ...and cried... I can't feel my arms. I'm going to sleep... My name is Ben...
Part 2 akan saya lanjutkan besok.
- Rei(ko) -
5 komentar:
waaah. . . .mbntu bngt mbk. .mkasieh y mb...
Kren abz!.
eh mbk. .tp ak msi bngung ma save box ny . . Itu kan kyak tmbol gtu gtu y y. . ? ? Jd yg d tkan yg mna ja mb. . ? ? Hehe . . .
Sama". =D
Langsung aja, ya..?
Kalo diurutin dari kiri, kan kayak angka 1,2,3 sama 4,5,6. * sesuai sama tombolnya *
Tekan 6,4,5,3.
sundul gan
kapan part 2 nya nie???? kwkw
q demen banget ma game ini.. bikin pinter bhs inggris yg q suka.
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